What MIC Does

2023 was a another remarkable year. MIC successfully presented the Taste Of Mableton in April and the first Mableton Economic Development Summit in September. Click here to read our 2023 Annual Report of Accomplishments.

Voters approved referendum for the new city of Mableton. Despite the continuing presence of the pandemic, Mableton continued experiencing unprecedented growth and development; exemplified by new housing starts, the influx of new businesses, announcement of a new Betty Gray Middle School, grand opening of a new Performing Arts Center at Pebblebrook High School, beginning of construction of the Chattahoochee River Greenway Trail, and more. While much work remains to be done, Mableton is emerging as a shining community on the hill, with killer views of the Atlanta skyline.

Adopt-A-Mile – MIC volunteers make a difference!  MIC has adopted Floyd Road and Old Powder Springs Road and conducts quarterly roadside trash pick-ups. Other groups in Mableton have adopted additional roads and their clean-up dates can be seen on our calendar. For more information, contact Jeff Padgett.

Communication – MIC wants to connect Mableton! We manage the Mableton Community Facebook Group with thousands of members and lots of conversation! We also present MIC’s activities through our Facebook page and this website, as well as provide a free monthly newsletter. Community meetings and participation in community events give us the opportunity to meet you in person or virtually. For more information, contact Linda Pharr.

Education – Education is critical to our community and MIC is working with residents, faith leaders, nonprofits, the school board, and the business community to support improvement in our schools. Our primary objective is to identify and spotlight the positive aspects of education in Mableton. If you’d like to join this effort, contact Brandeis Thompson.

HOA Network — MIC’s HOA Network provides homeowner associations with a vehicle for sharing ideas and best practices, improve communications and connections, and build greater advocacy and community engagement. Is your HOA a member? For more information, contact Cassandra Brown.

Parks – Because of MIC’s advocacy for increased park space in our community, two new parks have opened recently: the Mableton Town Square and Discovery Park. MIC has also worked with county officials to bring improvements to many existing Mableton parks and trails. Additionally, we are working with Cobb County and the Trust for Public Land on the creation of a transformational project called the Chattahoochee Riverlands Greenway Trail (www.chattahoocheeriverlands.com) which is coming to Mableton soon.  For more information, contact Demetrius Lockett.

Public Relations — We are working to promote Mableton and bring more attention to our community and to MIC. We partner with other community organizations, businesses, and churches to bring virtual and in-person events to our community. For more information, contact Michael McNeely.

Research and Data — MIC relies on research and data to make informed decisions about the direction it wants to take in our Mableton community. From applying for government or private funding to creating reports that advocate for improved education or housing, MIC’s Research and Data committee provides information for the other MIC committees to utilize. For more information contact James Lyons.

Zoning – MIC’s Zoning Committee analyzes every application filed within the unincorporated 30126 zip code and works with the applicants, county staff and the Board of Commissioners to find the best result for Mableton. With the perspective that development can be positive and that redevelopment is critically needed, MIC collects community feedback, delves into the details, and then speaks for our community. For more information contact Robin Meyer and Becca Ford.